Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Synchronize Your Watches

Tomorrow will be two weeks since we arrived home! It's really only been in the last three or four days when we've started to feel that our little dumpling has joined us in the Mountain time zone. Prior to that, it's been variable how and when she has slept, and, therefore how and when we have slept. There have been many late night sessions of car rides, stroller rides, front pack rides, Disney movies, Chinese lullabies in a dimly lit room, and other attempts to battle late night wakefulness. Start with the time and environment shift and mix in a couple of doctor's visits including 5 shots and a blood draw, and Lily has reason to be a bit discombobulated.

Lest you should think we've been suffering, you should know that, by and large, she's loads of fun for the better part of her waking hours, even during many of those graveyard shifts she was mostly cheery. We have discovered many fun things:
  • Night time on the back driveway, the bright light casts shadows on the back gate. Lily finds it absolutely hilarious when her shadow crosses yours, and she'll chase your shadow if you move it away from hers
  • Her little red car, be it inside or out, is a delight to drive (foot driven, a truly manual transmission)
  • Negotiating the doorway thresholds on the back and front doors, though tricky, is most satisfying
  • M&Ms - who doesn't like M&Ms?
  • Music of all genres is also great fun, and often inspires spontaneous dancing
  • Sitting in her own chair at the patio table with Mom and Dad directing drumming of the hands on the table surface
All in all, we are all getting along swimmingly, and Lily has even not found the dogs to be too much of a problem. The dogs have been trained to steer clear of her, and she mostly ignores them for the time being, but is starting to take note of them a bit.

OK, enough with all the babble, and on to what you've been waiting for, the pictures!

MacDonalds! (In Guangzhou no less!)

Bad Hair Day

Loves the Swiffer

Pine Cones are Fun Too!

Rock Star!

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