Sunday, April 01, 2007

The dreadlocked poodles wait for a baby

Right now these are our babies, the dreadlocked poodles, Gracie and George. We are all preparing for the adoption of a daughter, a little girl from China. We started preparing June of 2005. We had all our paperwork (dossier) completed and to our adoption agency by February 2006. The date we were logged in by the Chinese government was March 7th, 2006. Our dossier has been through the screening room at the China Center of Adoption Affairs (CCAA) and we were not asked any additional questions (good, good).
Our job is to wait.....wait....wait and then refile government forms and redo finger prints because we have been waiting so long.
We have not actually been assigned a child yet. The assignment will happen about 6 weeks before we travel to China to pick our baby up. We think she will be a she, although there are some surprises and she could end up being up being a he. She/He could also end up being a child and not a baby. It will be a surprise that we will have about 6-8 weeks to adjust to before we meet and become the official parents :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These guys are totally adorable. I have to say, I am a fan of the pigtails!